If you're using an Online Store 2.0 theme that supports App Blocks, you can add B2B Handsfree's registration form App Block to the registration page template using the Theme Customizer.
Click the Setup page button in B2B Handsfree's dashboard:
This will open the Theme Customizer for your store's live theme. Click the dropdown at the top and select Legacy customer accounts > Customer register. If you don't see this menu item, you need to enable legacy customer accounts in your store settings.
This will open the account registration page template in the preview.
First check if you see a link to add a section to the template:
If you can see that "Add section" link, your store uses JSON templates for the customer account area.
If you don't see that link, the sidebar will look something like this:
In this case the theme uses Liquid templates for the customer account area.
Follow the steps in one of the following sections, depending on whether your theme uses JSON or Liquid templates for the customer account area
The theme uses Liquid templates for the customer account area
In this case you can't add the B2B Handsfree app block to the customer registration template. Therefore you will add it to a page template instead.
Click the dropdown at the top and select Pages > Create template:
Give the template the name b2bapp and select Default page from the Based on dropdown:
Then click Create template.
Now you will see the Add section link in the sidebar. Click it, then select the Apps tab and then click B2B Registration Form:
Click the Save button in the theme customizer and then exit the theme customizer and go to Online Store > Pages.
Create a new page, give it a title like "B2B Registration" and enter some introductory text in the content editor if you like. Then assign the b2bapp theme template you created in the previous step to the page:
Then save the page.
Now B2B customers can register through this page and you can link to that page from anywhere on your online store, just like you would link to any other page.
Regular customers without a VAT ID can still use the default registration page. If you want all customers to register through B2B Handsfree, see this article for how to replace the default registration form with B2B Handsfree's registration form.
The theme uses JSON templates for the customer account area
If your theme uses JSON templates for the customer account templates, you have the following options:
Using B2B Handsfree's registration form alongside the default registration form
Replacing the default registration form with B2B Handsfree's registration form
In both cases, the first thing you'll want to do is add B2B Handsfree's App Block to the customer account registration page template.
In the customizer's left sidebar, click Add section, then Apps and then select B2B Handsfree Registration Form:
This will add the B2B registration form to the page and you can use the App Block's configuration settings to adjust the styling, if required.
Note: The Theme Customizer preview will show the entire form to make it easier to see the effects of changing the style settings. On the storefront the page will initially only show the VAT ID field and "Validate" button and will only load the rest of the form once a VAT ID has been successfully validated.
Since the B2B Handsfree App Block doesn't have a title of its own, you'll probably want to add a Rich Text section above the registration form, like so:
If all your customers have a VAT ID and you want them to use B2B Handsfree's registration form exclusively, you can hide the default registration form by hovering over the section in the customer's left sidebar and click the eye icon:
Now only B2B Handsfree's registration form is visible and all customers will have to register through it and provide a valid VAT ID.
Finally, click the Save button to save the template and then exit the Theme Customizer.